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euromedix logo dgflThe German association for fighting lipid metabolic disorders and their sequelae “Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen und ihren Folgeerkrankungen”, or DGFL (Lipid-Liga) e.V., is an independent point of contact for issues related to lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. Its declared aim is health education through the implementation and exchange of expertise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis. Uncertainty due to ignorance and misinformation leads to misperceptions of the risk of dyslipidemia and its sequelae, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

As independent point of contact, DGFL (Lipid-Liga) promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between various specialist doctors, pharmacists and their healthcare partners.

Tag des Cholesterins

Tag des CholesterinWith the nationwide campaign “Tag des Cholesterins” or “Cholesterol Day”, DGFL (Lipid-Liga) contributes greatly to educating the public about the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. Each year DGFL (Lipid-Liga) appeals to pharmacies, companies, medical practices and clinics to support “Cholesterol Day” with blood lipid testing and educational activities.

Tag des Cholesterins 2015: Prof. Grützmacher (Vorstand), I. Löhlein (Geschäftsstelle Frankfurt am Main),
Mario Vanolst (EuroMedix Health am Dom GmbH)

EuroMedix is proud to have been a partner of DGFL (Lipid-Liga) since 2005 and is equally proud to support projects such as the nationwide “Tag des Cholesterins” and other initiatives promoting education and specialisation for the treatment and prevention of medical disorders.

Weitere Angebote und Aktivitäten der DGFL (Lipid-Liga)

DGFL (Lipid-Liga) offers physicians structured lipidology training to become DGFL® Lipidologists, thus ensuring the qualified care of those affected by a lipid metabolism disorder.

Other services of DGFL (Lipid-Liga) include a “dyslipidemia” medical consultation service, symposia and other training events around lipids, commentary on current issues, informative materials for both doctors and patients, as well as contact with the patient self-help organisation CholCo. For more information, see www.lipid-liga.de.

EuroMedix has extensive expertise in screening for cholesterol, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and cardiometabolic risk factors.

Its new Point-of-Care technology for measuring direct LDL cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) has been available in Europe since 2016. Both are “non-fasting” tests (see EuroMedix CHARM cm)

For more information on Lipid Testsing & Screening view:

euromedix mario vanolst

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