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EuroMedix is a partner with Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, part of the University Medical Center Utrecht. Wilhelmina Children's Hospital is a top independent clinical hospital that treats seriously ill children whom other hospitals in the Netherlands are unable to handle.

The "Kinderbewegingscentrum" (Child Development & Exercise Centre) of Wilhelmina Children's Hospital has a long tradition of research into physical capacity and the influence of exercise (training) programmes on children and adolescents with a chronic illness or condition. This includes top-level research on the theme 'activity and health'.

The Child Development & Exercise Centre is hosting PWP 2015 (Paediatric Work Physiology). PWP is an internationally recognised congress with an emphasis on scientific excellence. The congress attracts delegates from some 30 countries and normally includes 120-150 presentations on a broad range of topics related to children's health and exercise.

euromedix utrecht
euromedix mario vanolst

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