CR3000 RCH
The CR3000 RCH is a point-of-care photometer for the determiniation of primary tests on whole capillary blood (fingerprick procedure). Three reading cells are available and results are supplied in a matter of seconds. The CR3000 RCH performs the most important tests for general chemistry screening and in addition it also offers 2 revolutionary Oxidative Stress tests: assessment of Free Radicals attack and Antioxidant Capacity.

CR3000 RCH benefits
Automatic test procedure: simply place the cuvette into the reading cell
Touch screen technology: making testing easier
Possibility to analyse 3 parameters in 2 minutes
Wet chemistry application assures accuracy and precision comparable to laboratory equipment
CR3000 RCH tests
- Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol (Friedewald), Glucose, Triglycerides, Hemoglobin, Erytrocytes, Hematocrit, Lactic Acid, Glycosuria, Uric Acid
- Free Radicals Attack / Oxidative Stress (FORT test)
- Antioxidant Capacity (FORD test)
CR3000 RCH technology
- The CR3000RCH is a photometer which combines sophisticated optical technology in combination with wet chemistry applications, comparable with laboratory equipment.
- Readings are based on a monochromatic light absorbency principle which measures the contents of the cuvettes placed into the reading cells.
- The CR3000RCH has 3 completely independent reading cells which means that 3 different tests may be perfomed simultaneously, using a single blood sample, or 3 different patients
may be tested at the same time. - The reading cells are constantly thermostated at 37°C to ensure perfect testing conditions even in case of temperature sensitive tests.